Senin, 19 April 2010

Camouflage bedding

Some Practical Tips For Camouflage Bedding

Camouflage beddingI always believe that interior design is an art that requires the creativity of a drawing and the same care you would show to your own child. Bedrooms are vital part of interior design, and camouflage bedding has become a very viable and attractive option that comes to the mind of anyone interested in beautifying their bedroom. This is one reason why there is so much camouflage bedding that you can see at all the major retail outlets.

The love of camouflage bedding has given it the sweet nickname of 'camo bed'.

Camouflage beddingSwitching to camo bedding is easier now than it was before. You have many options in front of you that you are sure to get the modern bedroom you want without depleting your bank account. But this is where I'll try to help you out. Before you decide to go for camo bedding, let me try to lay some practical considerations before you to help make your decision a fitting one.

As with any redecorating decision, the first question you should ask yourself is whether to make it yourself, or buy it. A little bit of camo bedding can be still possible with your current bedding, just by making some tweaks here and there. Green is always the conventional color for camouflage bedding. Cushion covers are easily stitched using a sewing machine and these cushions can lend a superb camouflage effect.

Why not change the lamp shades, or the light bulbs, to have shades complementing the bedding you have? A camouflage bedding effect is possible by accessorizing in ways like this.

This brings us to an interesting point. How much are you ready to spend? Camouflage bedding is available at very affordable prices nowadays. But if you can afford to spend more, then go for a complete makeover of the bedroom, to have a complete camouflage bedding style.

I was literally swept off my feet when I saw my colleague's luxury house, where he has done out a camouflage bedroom for his child. Anything and everything matches! He even had live plants and creepers with yellow leaves inside the bedroom. The camo beddings and cushions were eye catching with the wall color matching the bed rails exactly. An additional feature was the use of parallel mirrors to give that gigantic feel to the camouflage bedding.

There is no limitation to how you can improvise with camo bedding. Attention to detail is the key here. But there are other basic things to be considered before you make up your mind. Take an honest look at your house-keeping habits. Are you a very good house-keeper? Take it from me. Only excellent house-keepers are able to maintain a camo bedroom with all its elegance over the course of time.

Keeping a camouflage bedroom clean and tidy will not necessarily be simple. You have to care it as you would look after your own child. If you know that you will never to able to do that it is better that you do not venture into camo bedding. But your heart is set on camouflage bedding, keep your eyes open so that you spot the correct colors and harmonize the accessories in the bedroom to complement each other, and most importantly - do not miss those finishing touches to the cushions as well! ( By Darryl Parker )

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